Monday, June 20, 2011

view of my rainbow's end

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Baby Steps

So this is the start of our humble abode. You can see the latest, and absolutely necessary, project-an opening window! I love the view from the old picture window, and the fact that we reused it from my gram's old house, but no airflow made the cabin like a sauna. We will hopefully replace the second window in the next week or so. The cabin is two rooms made from closing in hubby's tractor shed, and we built on a small room for a kitchen last fall. We will be replacing the wooden doors next,  possibly moving the door to the side of the room, and putting in a nice window so that I can look out over the field when I am working in the kitchen. With plans for living full time in the future there are lots of new ideas.

We spent a few nights this week, and the kids finally got their campers cleaned out and got to stay over too. We put up badminton net and will put in horseshoe pits so that they have something to keep them busy and get some exercise. We are researching windmills and how to get water up to the cabin from the spring. Having no water is the biggest drawback of living up there. We can manage okay without the electric, but have GOT to get water. Our worry in drilling a well is that we will ruin the spring that we have used for all these years. So we have our thinking caps on to see what our next step should be.

In the meantime, we have started our baby steps.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

One Step at a Time

With temps in the 90's this week, there was no way to be able to work inside the cabin. It was so hot inside that my candles were liquid. So first order of business was to put in more windows. We put in a used window on the tractor shed side to help catch the breeze from that direction. Had to go to Lowes and get a new sliding window for the front of cabin. Nice 4x4 size so I don't lose the view from when we replace the old picture window. Hoping to have that in by the weekend and we can spend a few nights up there.

Bill and I sat and had a very long talk about future plans, and the fact that I have waited forever to be able to have my "house on the hill" and how badly I want to get back to that country living that we once had. First step to do that is to close up the insurance business. It is dragging me down. We have very little business these days, because neither Casey or I have our heart into it. Especially now, with internet insurance sales so easy to find, we see less and less business, with the same costs to run it. Even with only being open a couple days a week, it still has all the headaches of being a full time job. I need all of my focus and energy to be on putting the house in order, getting rid of clutter, clutter, clutter. Casey and I will work at that, and maybe even find a few things we can sell and make a few bucks.

We also want to try to cut down the grocery bill by making more meals from scratch, cooking a few meals at a time, and hitting the farmers markets and sales. Have a few of the make a mix cookbooks that would help making things simpler, and also try stretching the meals by doing noodles, rice, etc the next day.

On our way up the hill, Madi was outside with Daddy at the shed, so we picked her up and took her up for a few minutes. She was waiting for lighting bugs. But it was getting late, so she went back home. I can't wait until we can take her up there for the evening and she can play outside in the yard. All this acreage, and no yard here at the house to play in. Better days are coming!

So, nothing all that exciting-but still feels good to be working at it, and have a few goals set. Until later...

Monday, June 6, 2011

Slow Progress

It is the first week of June, and I am still trying to figure out how to make time to get started on the cabin. The weather has been extremely hot for this time of year, and sadly, the big picture windows that give me an awesome view of the fields, don't open. Wonderful breeze on the hilltop, but no breeze through the cabin without open windows. So, I guess first and foremost, we have got to get new windows put in, so I can stand the heat and be able to get some work done.

I spent a little time sitting outside up there this afternoon, taking a well deserved break from the world. Although I haven't gotten much done up the hill, down in the hollow has been quite busy! While still making headway on things needing done in the house-the big event was welcoming our first grandson, Blake William, to the family. He was a little ahead of schedule, but mom and baby are doing just fine. Bill and I got to keep Madi for a few days while mommy was in the hospital, and it was so much fun! My favorite part was cuddling up in bed, Madi, Grammy and Pap Pap, and watching Disney movies before sleeping. And, Madi singing Grammy to sleep for nap time, Had a Mary Little Lamb....adorable.

The arrival of another grandchild makes me all the more determined to get my life in order and get back to that simple life, enjoying the farm, cooking and canning, tending the critters, and being able to spend time with the grandchildren-teaching them to enjoy the farm and living the country life. Madison and I did get to take a walk down to the little ponds, and although those doggone frogs are too quick for us-we did get to check out lots of "daddypoles". I would like ot make that something that we do a few times a week. A nice little walk for just Grammy and her little buddy Madi.

I am hoping that we can pick up windows in the next few days, get them put in and be able to spend some time at the cabin this weekend. Wild Rose Renfest going on-but I have a feeling that if I am going to be able to make these changes in my life, there are some things that I will have to give up. When I think of the feeling I get when I sit outside at the cabin, the calmness in my soul when I look out over the fields-I realize that is what I need to make number one priority.  Here's hoping that the blogs will start showing a bit more progress in the coming weeks! 

Saturday, April 16, 2011


Spring in PA

It is opening weekend for trout, so it's no surprise that it was extremely wet, windy and cold. While part of the gang headed for camp and fishing, I stayed home to get some serious housecleaning caught up. While I didn't miss that ugly weather, I did miss the granddaughter catching her first fish! I just keep telling myself that if I get my life in order, I will have much more time to enjoy those kinds of moments. Hopefully, Pap Pap and I will get to take her out fishing at the lake soon. 

Although I am itching to get to the cabin and get some work done, I am trying to focus on priorities and get things done. First and foremost, I managed not only to get my income taxes done on time for the first time since 2003, but I also had to get back taxes amended clear back to 2005. The Lord works in mysterious ways-just by chance I found out about adoption credits that could really help us out financially. We won't count our chicks before they hatch, but we are certainly saying a lot of prayers. It's a strange feeling to have the taxes off of my mind. Now on to the next project. 

A big part of finding the simple life again, starts with getting the house in order and getting our mortgage refinanced. So, the serious housecleaning, pitching and sorting has begun. While I was at it, I managed to get the "grandkids" bedroom set up. I put a "big girl" bed in for Madison, and moved the crib from our room in there for Madison's new baby brother or sister, due in June. Here's hoping we get to enjoy some overnights. 

Although I haven't had much time outside in the past couple weeks, I did manage to get out and see some frogs in the pond, getting busy. The grass is getting a little greener, and the horses are loving it. Daffodils blooming in the yard, and the rhubarb is up. Now that the taxes are finished, hopefully the blogging will get a little more interesting!